Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the security deposit?
Security deposit requirements vary by property. Please see individual property pages for specific information.
How much is the application fee?
Application fees vary by property. Please see individual property pages for specific information.
How long is my lease term?
We typically offer 1-year leases. Some of our properties offer 2-year leases to accommodate local universities and their students. After you fulfill your first 1-year lease, you can then renew for another full year, or you have the option to renew month-to-month for an additional fee.
What amenities are included in the rent?
The amenities vary by building; all specific information is found on the individual pages of our website.
Why is the full first month's rent due at lease signing when I'm moving in on the 5th, 10th, 15th ...?
PMC Property Group requires a full month's rent up front when you sign your lease. Rent is always due on the first of the month, so the second month you will pay a pro-rated amount. This pro-rated amount will be equal to the number of days you lived in your unit the first month.
Is there an additional fee for pets?
Pet policies vary by property. Please see individual property pages for specific information.
Is the pet fee refundable?
The pet fee is not refundable.
Can I use my security deposit as my last month's rent?
Security deposit policies vary by property. Please see individual property pages for specific information.
When can I expect my security deposit to be returned?
Security deposit policies vary by property. Please see individual property pages for specific information.